The premiere of the colourized yesteryear film Hum Dono saw a massive turnout of Bollywood bigwigs paying homage to the legendary star Dev Anand. Though the event was as star studded as the night sky on a moonless night, the younger generation namely Ranbir Kapoor and Imtiaz Ali decided to paint the town black and yellow.
Passers by in Andheri were shocked on the night of the premiere to find the suave and stylish Ranbir Kapoor along with director Imtiaz Ali entering a rickshaw ala Salman Khan.
It is learnt that after attending the 'rangeen' premiere of Hum Dono, Ranbir who was in a hurry to reach home couldn't wait for his car. The car which was parked in the basement seemed out of option as there was too much crowd outside the venue for the actor to wade through to reach the basement.
It was then that Ranbir, along with director Imtiaz Ali, ran across the road, hailed a passing rickshaw, jumped into it and rushed for Bandra.
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